Monograph: K.H. Andersen (2019): Fish Ecology, Evolution, and Exploitation - a New Theoretical Synthesis. Princeton University Press. (at Draft here.
T.F. Hansen, D.E. Canfield, K.H. Andersen, and C.J. Bjerrum: The unicellular NUM v.0.91: A trait-based plankton model evaluated in two contrasting biogeographic provinces. Preprint in Geoscientific Model Development.
S. Chakraborty, K.H. Andersen, A. Merico, L. Riemann: Particle-associated N2 fixation by heterotrophic bacteria in the global ocean (2025). Science Advances 11(8) 1-15.
Yixin Zhao, P. Daniël van Denderen, Rémy Denéchère, Jonathan E. Falciani, Nis S. Jacobsen, Themistoklis Konstantinopoulos, Daniel Ottmann, Colleen M.Petrik, Karline Soetaert, Charles A. Stock, and Ken H. Andersen (2025): FEISTY Fortran library and R package to integrate fish and fisheries with biogeochemical models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 16(1) 40-48.
P.D. van Denderen, N. Jacobsen, K. H. Andersen, J.L. Blanchard, C. Novaglio, C. A. Stock, C. M. Petrik (2024): Estimating fishing exploitation rates to simulate global catches and biomass changes of pelagic and demersal fish. Earth's Future 12(10) e2024EF004604.
D. Ottmann, P. D. van Denderen, A. Visser, K. H. Andersen (2024): Impact of increased fishing on long-term sequestration of carbon by cephalopods. Current Biology 34(11) R526-526.
D.Ottman, K.H. Andersen, and P.D. van Denderen (2024): Biomass and trait biogeography of cephalopods on the European and North American continental shelves. Global Ecology and Biogrography 33(39, 1–11.
Denéchère, R., van Denderen, P. D. & Andersen, K. H. (2024) The role of squid for food web structure and community-level metabolism, Ecological Modelling. (493) 110729.
B.M.J. Vastenhoud, F. Bastardie, K.H. Andersen, D.C. Speirs, J.R. Nielsen (2023): Economic viability of a large vessel mesopelagic fishery under ecological uncertainty. Frontiers in Marine Science 10.3389/fmars.2023.1285793.
H.H. Hansen, K.H. Andersen and E. Bergman (2023): Projecting fish community responses to dam removal – data-limited modeling. Ecological Indicators (154)
T.J. Kragesteen, T.T. Johannesen, A. Sandvik, K.H. Andersen, I.A. Johnsen (2023): Salmon lice dispersal and population model for management strategy evaluation. Aquaculture (575) 739759.
Millette, Gast, Luo, Moeller, Stamieszkin, Andersen, Brownlee, Cohen, Duhamel, Dutkiewicz, Glibert, Johnson, Leles, Maloney, McManus, Poulton, Princiotta, Sanders, Wilken: Mixoplankton and Mixotrophy: Future Research Priorities. Journal of Plankton Research.
Van Denderen, P. D., Maureaud, A., Andersen, K. H., Gaichas, S., Lindegren, M., Petrik, C. M., Stock, C. A. & Collie, J. (2023) Demersal fish biomass declines with temperature across productive shelf seas. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32(10) 1846-1857.
Review: K.H. Andersen and A.W. Visser: From first principles to structure and function of unicellular plankton communities (2023) Progress in Oceanography (213) 102995. BioArxiv.
J. Pinti, Timothy. DeVries, T. Norin, C. Serra-Pompei, R. Proud, D.A. Siegel, T. Kiørboe, C.M. Petrik, K. H. Andersen, A.S. Brierley, A.W. Visser (2023): The global importance of metazoans to the biological carbon pump. Biogeosciences 20(5) 997–1009. BioRxiv.
Frølich, E. F., Thygesen, U. H. & Andersen, K. H., (2023): Scaling from optimal behavior to population dynamics and ecosystem function. Ecological Complexity (52) 101027.
L K Eckford-Soper, K H Andersen, T F Hansen, and Donald E Canfield (2022): A case for an active eukaryotic marine biosphere during the Proterozoic Era. PNAS 119 (41) e2122042119.
Review: J Pinti, A.W. Visser, C. Serra-Pompei, K.H. Andersen, M.D. Ohman, T. Kiørboe (2022) Metazoans, migrations, and the ocean's biological carbon pump Limnology and Oceanography 67(6) 1238-1256
Top 10% downloaded papers in BGC: C. Serra-Pompei, B.A Ward, J. Pinti, A.W Visser, T. Kiørboe, K.H Andersen (2022): Linking plankton size spectra and community composition to carbon export and its efficiency. BioRxiv. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 36(5), e2021GB007275.
R. Denéchère, P. D. van Denderen, and K.H. Andersen (2022): Deriving population scaling rules from individual-level metabolism and life history traits. American Naturalist 199(4).
N.G. Andersen, S. Neuenfeldt, B. Bogstad, K.H. Andersen, and J.E. Beyer (2021) Nutritional status determines apparent assimilative capacity and functional response of marine predatory fish. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 78(10) 3615–3624.
D.v. Denderen, C.M. Petrik, C.A. Stock and K.H. Andersen (2021) Emergent global biogeography of marine fish food webs, Global Ecology and Biogeography 30(9): 1822-1834.
S. Chakraborty, K.H. Andersen, A.W. Visser, K. Inomura, M.J. Follows, and L. Riemann (2021): Quantifying nitrogen fixation by heterotrophic bacteria in sinking marine particles. Nature Communications 12: 4085.
J. Pinti, K.H. Andersen and A.W. Visser (2021): Co-adaptive behavior of interacting populations in a habitat selection game significantly impacts ecosystem functions. Journal of Theoretical Biology 523: 110663.
W. Wang, N. Xu, L. Zhang, K.H. Andersen, and J. Klaminder (2021): Anthropogenic forcing of fish boldness and its impacts on ecosystem structure. Global Change Biology 27(6) 1239-1249.
N. Xu, G.W. Delius, L. Zhang, U.H. Thygesen and K.H. Andersen (2021): Spatial drivers of instability in marine size-spectrum ecosystems. Journal of Theoretical Biology 517: 110631
T.Kragesteen, K. Simonsen, A.W. Visser and K.H. Andersen (2021): Estimation of external infection pressure and salmon-louse population growth rate in Faroese salmon farms. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 13: 21-32. doi: 10.3354/aei00386
U.H. Thygesen, A.W. Visser, I. Heilmann and K.H. Andersen (2020): Optimal seasonal routines across animals and latitudes. bioRxiv 2020.08.02.213595
C. Serra-Pompei, F. Soudijn, A. W. Visser, T.Kiørboe, and K. H. Andersen (2020) A general size- and trait-based model of plankton communities. Progress in Oceanography (189) 102473.
A.W. Visser, P. Brun, S. Chakraborty, T. S. Dencker, P. D. van Denderen, R. van Gemert, H. van Someren Gréve, I. Heilmann, M. W. Holm, S. H. Jónasdóttir, K. M. Kenitz, T.Kiørboe, M. Lindegren, P. Mariani, L. T. Nielsen, M. Pancic, M. Payne, L. Pécuchet, N. A. Schnedler-Meyer, U. H. Thygesen, A. Törnroos, and K. H. Andersen (2020): Seasonal strategies in the world’s oceans. Progress in Oceanography (189) 102466.
Food for Thought: K.H. Andersen (2020): Size-based theory for fisheries advice. ICES Journal of Marine Science 77(7-8) 2445-2455.
C.M. Petrik, C.A. Stock, K.H. Andersen, P. D. van Denderen, J.R. Watson (2020): Large pelagic fish are most sensitive to climate change despite pelagification of ocean food webs. Frontiers in Marine Science 7: 588482.
P.D. van Denderen, H. Gislason, J.v.d.Heuvel, and K.H. Andersen (2020): Global analysis of fish growth rates shows weaker responses to temperature than metabolic predictions. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29(12) 2203-2213.
M. Cadier, A.N. Hansen, K.H. Andersen and A.W. Visser (2020): Competition between vacuolated and mixotrophic unicellular plankton. Journal of Plankton Research 42(4) 425–439.
F. Leonie, R. v. Gemert, Ø. Langangen, J. Durant and K.H. Andersen (2020): Population variability under stressors is dependent on body mass growth and asymptotic body size. Royal Society Open Science. 7: 192011.
S. Chakraborty, M. Cadier, A.W. Visser, J. Bruggeman, and K.H. Andersen (2020): Latitudinal variation in plankton traits and ecosystem function. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 34(8) e2020GB006564.
A. Maureaud, K. H. Andersen, L. Zhang, and M. Lindegren (2020): Trait-based food web model reveals the underlying mechanisms of biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships. Journal of Animal Ecology (89)6 1497-1510.
S. Neuenfeldt, V. Bartolino, A. Orio, K.H. Andersen, N.G. Andersen, S. Niiranen, U. Bergström, D. Ustups, N. Kulatska and M. Casini (2020): Environmental change mediates density dependence of a marine piscine predator population. ICES Journal of Marine Science 77(2) 624-632.
F. Pomati, J. B. Shurin, K. H. Andersen, C. Tellenbach, A. D. Barton (2020): Interacting temperature, nutrients and zooplankton grazing control phytoplankton size-abundance relationships in eight Swiss lakes. Frontiers in Microbiology
P.-C. Ho, C.-W. Chang, F.-K. Shiah, P.-L. Wang, C.-H. Hsieh, and K.H. Andersen (2020): Body size, light intensity and nutrient supply determine plankton stoichiometry in mixotrophic plankton food webs. American Naturalist 195(4) E100-E110.
T. Kragesten, K. Simonsen, A.W. Visser, and K.H. Andersen (2019): Optimal Salmon Lice Treatment Threshold and Tragedy of the Commons in Salmon Farm Networks. Aquaculture 512, 734329
C. Petrik, K.H. Andersen, J. Watson, D.v. Denderen, C. Stock (2019): Bottom-up drivers of global patterns of demersal, forage, and pelagic fishes. Progress in Oceanography 176, 102124. doi 10.1016/j.pocean.2019.102124.
P. Neubauer and K.H. Andersen (2019): Thermal performance of fish is explained by an interplay between physiology, behaviour, and ecology. Conservation Physiology 7(1), coz025
M. Cadier, K.H Andersen, A. Visser, and T. Kiørboe (2019): Competition-defense trade-off increases the diversity of microbial plankton communities and dampens trophic cascades Oikos 128(7) 1027-1040. doi:10.1111/oik.06101.
C. Serra-Pompei, G.I. Hagstrom, A.W. Visser, and K.H. Andersen (2019): Resource limitation determines temperature response of unicellular plankton communities. Limnology and Oceanography 64(4) 1627-1640.
F. Prowe, A.W. Visser, K.H. Andersen, S. Chiba, and T. Kiørboe (2019): Biogeography of zooplankton feeding strategy. Limnology and Oceanography 64(2) doi:10.1002/lno.11067.
Editors choice: K.H. Andersen, N.S. Jacobsen, and P.D. van Denderen (2019): Limited impact of big fish mothers for population replenishment. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76:(3), 347 - 349. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2018-0354
Comment: T. Kiørboe and K.H. Andersen (2019): Nutrient affinity, half saturation constant, and the cost of toxin production in dinoflagellates. Ecology letters 22(3) 558-560. doi:10.1111/ele.13208.
S. Chakraborty, M. Pančić, K.H. Andersen, and T. Kiørboe (2019): The cost of toxin production in phytoplankton: the case of PST producing dinoflagellates. the ISME Journal 13:64–75.
R. van Gemert and K.H. Andersen (2018): Challenges to fisheries advice and management due to stock recovery, ICES Journal of Marine Science. 75(6) 1864-1870. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsy084.
K.M. Kenitz, A.W. Visser, M.D. Ohman, M.R. Landry and K.H. Andersen (2018): Conserved community trait distribution across environmental gradients. Ecosystems. doi:10.1007/s10021-018-0314-5.
Food for Thought: T. Kiørboe, A. Visser, and K.H. Andersen (2018): A trait-based approach to ocean ecology. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 75(6) 1849–1863. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsy090.
Response to comment: K.M. Kenitz, A.W. Visser, P. Mariani and K.H. Andersen (2018) "What drives plankton seasonality in a stratifying shelf sea? Some competing and complementary theories". Limnology and Oceanography, 63(6) 2885-2886. doi:10.1002/lno.11034.
K. Olsson and K.H. Andersen (2018) Cannibalism as a selective force on offspring size in fish. Oikos 127(9)1264-1271
R. van Gemert and K.H. Andersen (2018): Implications of late-in-life density-dependent growth for fishery size-at-entry leading to maximum sustainable yield. ICES Journal of Marine Science 75(4) 1296-1305.
T. Kragesten, K. Simonsen, A.W. Visser, and K.H. Andersen (2018): Identifying Salmon Lice Transmission Characteristics between Faroese Salmon Farms. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 10: 49-60.
K.H. Andersen, L. Marty and R. Arlinghaus (2018) Evolution of boldness and life-history in response to selective harvesting. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75:(2), 271-281, 10.1139/cjfas-2016-0350.
T. Kiørboe, E. Saiz, P. Tiselius and K.H. Andersen (2018) Adaptive feeding behavior and functional responses in zooplankton. Limnology and Oceanography 63(1) 308– 321. doi:10.1002/lno.10632.
P. Daniël van Denderen, Martin Lindegren, Brian R. MacKenzie, Reg A. Watson, and Ken H. Andersen (2018) Global patterns in marine predatory fish. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2, 65–70 (2018). doi:10.1038/s41559-017-0388-z.
L. Zhang, D. Takahashi, M. Hartvig, and K.H. Andersen (2017): Food-web dynamics under climate change. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 284: 20171772.
Monograph: K.H. Andersen (2017) Fish and Fisheries: the size- and trait-based approach. Doctoral Thesis, Technical University of Denmark.
P. Mariani, K.H. Andersen, M. Lindegren and B.R. MacKenzie (2017) Trophic impact of Atlantic bluefin tuna migrations in the North Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 (6): 1552-1560. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsx027.
Commentary: K.H. Andersen and H. Gislason (2017) Unplanned ecological engineering. PNAS 114(4): 634-635. doi:10.1073/pnas.1620158114.
S. Chakraborty, L.T. Nielsen and K.H. Andersen (2017) Trophic strategies of unicellular plankton. American Naturalist 189(4) E77-E90. doi:10.1086/690764.
K.M. Kenitz, A.W. Visser, P. Mariani and K.H. Andersen (2017) Seasonal succession in zooplankton feeding traits reveals trophic trait cascade. Limnology and Oceanography 62(3) 1184-1197 doi:10.1002/lno.10494.
A. Kokkalis, A.M. Eikeset, U.H. Thygesen, P. Steingrund and K.H. Andersen (2017): Estimating uncertainty of data limited stock assessments. ICES J. of Marine Science 74(1) 69-77 doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsw145.
T. Berge, S. Chakraborty, P.J. Hansen and K.H. Andersen (2017): Modelling succession of key resource harvesting traits of mixotrophic plankton populations. The ISME Journal 11: 212–223 doi:10.1038/ismej.2016.92.
N.S. Jacobsen, M. Burgess and K.H. Andersen (2017): Efficiency of fisheries is increasing at the ecosystem level. Fish and Fisheries 18(2) 199- 211. doi:10.1111/faf.12171.
K.H. Andersen, N.S. Jacobsen, T. Jansen and J.E. Beyer (2017) When in life does density dependence occur in fish populations? Fish and Fisheries 18: 656- 667. doi:10.1111/faf.12195.
Irene T. Heilmann, Jens Starke, Ken H. Andersen, Uffe Høgsbro Thygesen, Mads Peter Sørensen (2016) Dynamics of a physiologically structured population in a time- varying environment. Ecological Complexity 28: 54-61.
K.H. Olsson, H. Gislason and K.H. Andersen (2016) Differences in density-dependence drive dual offspring size strategies in fish. Journal of Theoretical Biology 407: 118– 127.
A.B. Neuheimer, M. Hartvig, J. Heuschele, S. Hylander, T. Kiørboe, K.H. Olsson, J. Sainmont and K.H. Andersen (2016) Adult and offspring size in the ocean: A database of size metrics and conversion factors. Ecology. doi: 10.1890/15-1261.
C. Lindemann, Ø. Fiksen, K.H. Andersen and D.L. Aksnes (2016): Scaling laws in phytoplankton nutrient uptake affinity. Frontiers in Marine Science doi:10.3389/fmars.2016.00026.
L. Ravn-Jonsen, K.H. Andersen, and N. Vestergaard (2016): An Indicator for Ecosystem Externalities in Fishing. Natural Resource Modeling 29(3) 400-425.
Review: K.H. Andersen, N.S. Jacobsen and K.D. Farnsworth (2016): The theoretical foundations for size spectrum models of fish communities. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 73(4): 575-588 doi:10.1139/cjfas-2015-0230.
K.H. Andersen, J.L. Blanchard, E.A. Fulton, H. Gislason, N.S. Jacobsen and T. van Kooten (2016): Assumptions behind size-based ecosystem models are realistic. ICES Journal of Marine Science 73 (6): 1651-1655.
J. Kolding, N.S. Jacobsen, K.H. Andersen and P. van Zwieten (2016): Maximizing fisheries yields while maintaining community structure. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73(4): 644-655.
N.S. Jacobsen, T.E. Essington and K.H. Andersen (2016): Comparing model predictions for ecosystem based management. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73(4): 666-676. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2014-0561.
M.G. Burgess, F.K. Diekert, N.S. Jacobsen, K.H. Andersen and S.D. Gaines (2016): Remaining questions in the case for balanced harvesting. Fish and Fisheries. 17(4) 1216-1226. doi: 10.1111/faf.12123.
Review: K.H. Andersen, T. Berge, R.J. Gonçalves, M. Hartvig, J. Heuschele, S. Hylander, N.S. Jacobsen, C. Lindemann, E.A. Martens, A.B. Neuheimer, K. Olsson, A. Palacz, F. Prowe, J. Sainmont, S.J. Traving, A.W. Visser, N. Wadhwa, and T. Kiørboe (2016): Characteristic Sizes of Life in the Oceans, from Bacteria to Whales. Annual Reviews in Marine Science 8: 217-241, doi: 10.1146/annurev-marine-122414-034144.
Review: E.A. Martens, N. Wadhwa, N.S. Jacobsen, C. Lindemann, K.H. Andersen and A. Visser (2015) Size Structures Sensory Hierarchy in Ocean Life. Proc. Roy. Soc. London. B. (282) 20151794, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2015.1346.
A.B. Neuheimer, M. Hartvig, J. Heuschele, S. Hylander, T. Kiørboe, K.H. Olsson, J. Sainmont and K.H. Andersen (2015): Adult and offspring size in the ocean over 17 orders of magnitude follows two life history strategies. Ecology 96(12) 3303–3311. ***Note there has been a correction to Fig. 2 and the journal has been notified. Please email ABN for more information.***
K.H. Andersen, Dag L. Aksnes, Terje Berge, Øyvind Fiksen and André Visser (2015): Modeling emergent trophic strategies in plankton. Journal of Plankton Research37(5) 862-868, doi:10.1093/plankt/fbv054.
L. Zhang, K.H. Andersen, U. Dieckmann and Å. Brännström (2015): Four types of interference competition and their impacts on the ecology and evolution of size- structured populations and communities. J. Theoretical Biology 380: 280–290.
J. Sainmont, Ken H Andersen, Uffe H Thygesen, Øyvind Fiksen and André W Visser (2015): An Effective Algorithm for Approximating Adaptive Behavior in Seasonal Environments. Ecological Modelling 311: 20–30.
C. Frisk, K.H. Andersen, A. Temming, J.P. Herrmann, K.S. Madsen and G. Kraus (2015): Environmental effects on sprat (Sprattus sprattus) physiology and growth at the distribution frontier: A bioenergetic modelling approach. Ecological Modelling 299130–139.
K.H. Andersen, K. Brander, and L.J. Ravn-Jonsen (2015). Trade-offs between objectives for ecosystem management of fisheries. Ecological Applications 25: 1390-1396.
K.H. Andersen and J.E. Beyer: Size structure, not metabolic scaling rules, determines fisheries reference points Fish and Fisheries 16(1) 1-22 (2015).
A. Kokkalis, U.H. Thygesen, A. Nielsen and K.H. Andersen (2015) Limits to the reliability of size-based fishing status estimation for data-poor stocks Fisheries Research 107: 4-11.
J. Sainmont, K.H. Andersen, Ø. Varpe and A.W. Visser (2014): Capital versus income breeding in a seasonal environment. American Naturalist 184(4) 466-476.
J.L. Blanchard, K.H. Andersen, F. Scott, N.T. Hinzen, G. Piet, S. Jennings (2014): Evaluating targets and trade-offs among fisheries and conservation objectives using a multispecies size spectrum model. J. Applied Ecology, 51: 612–622. doi:10.1111/1365-2664.12238
F. Scott, J.L. Blanchard and K.H. Andersen: mizer: an R package for multispecies, trait-based and community size spectrum ecological modelling. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5(10) 1121-1125 (2014).
N. Calduch-Verdiell, B.R. MacKenzie, J.W. Vaupel and K.H. Andersen: A life-history evaluation of the impact of maternal effects on recruitment and fisheries reference points. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 71: 1113–1120 (2014).
M. Lindegren, K.H. Andersen, M. Casini and S. Neuenfeldt. A metacommunity perspective on source-sink dynamics and management: the Baltic Sea as a case study. To appear in Ecological Applications (2014).
N.S. Jacobsen, H. Gislason and K.H. Andersen. The consequences of balanced harvesting of fish communities. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 281: 20132701 (2014).
M.A. Peck, S. Neuenfeldt, T. Essington, V.M. Trenkel, A. Takasuka, H. Gislason, M. Dickey-Collas, K.H. Andersen, L. Ravn-Jonsen, N. Vestergaard, S. Kvamsdal, A. Gårdmark, J. Link, J.C. Rice (2014) Forage fish interactions: A symposium on creating the tools for ecosystem-based management of marine resources. ICES Journal of Marine Science 71(1), 1–4, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fst174
G.H. Engelhard, M.A. Peck, A. Rindorf, S. Smout, M. van Deurs, K. Raab, K.H. Andersen, S. Garthe, R.A.M. Lauerburg, F. Scott, T. Brunel, G. Aarts, T. van Kooten, and M. Dickey-Collas: Forage fish, their fisheries, and their predators: who drives whom? ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (1): 90-104 (2014).
K. Kristensen, U.H. Thygesen, K.H. Andersen and J.E. Beyer: Estimating spatio-temporal dynamics of size-structured populations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 71: 326–336 (2014).
L. Zhang, M. Hartvig, M. Knudsen and K.H. Andersen: Size-based predictions of food web patterns. Theoretical Ecology 7:23–33 (2014).
M. Hartvig and K.H. Andersen: Coexistence of structured populations with size-based prey selection. Theoretical Population Biology 89:24-33 (2013).
K. Brander, A. Neuheimer, K.H. Andersen, M. Hartvig: Food for Thought: Overconfidence in model projections. ICES Journal of Marine Science 70(6), 1065–1068 (2013).
M. Dickey-Collas, G. H. Engelhard, A. Rindorf, K. Raab, S. Smout, G. Aarts, M. van Deurs,T. Brunel, A. Hoff, R. A. M. Lauerburg, S. Garthe, K. H. Andersen, F. Scott, T. van Kooten, D. Beare, and M. A. Peck: Ecosystem-based management objectives for the North Sea: riding the forage fish rollercoaster. ICES Journal of Marine Science; doi:10.1093/icesjms/fst075 (2013).
J. E. Houle, K.H. Andersen, K.D. Farnsworth, and D.G. Reid: Emerging asymmetric interactions between forage and predator fisheries impose management trade-offs.Journal of Fish Biology 83(4) 890-904 (2013).
B. Nielsen, K. Hüssy, S. Neuenfeldt, J. Tomkiewicz, J. W. Behrens and K. H. Andersen: Individual behaviour of Baltic cod Gadus morhua in relation to sex and reproductive state. Aquatic Biology 18:197-207 (2013).
S. Neuenfeldt, D. Righton, F. Neat, P. J. Wright, H. Svedäng, K. Michalsen, S. Subbey, P. Steingrund, V. Thorsteinsson, C. Pampoulie, K. H. Andersen, M. W. Pedersen and J. Metcalfe: Analysing migrations of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua in the north-east Atlantic Ocean: then, now and the future. Journal of Fish Biology 82, 741–763 (2013).
P. Mariani, K.H. Andersen, A.W. Visser, A.D. Barton and T. Kiørboe: Control of plankton seasonal succession by adaptive grazing. Limnol. Oceanogr., 58(1), 173–184 (2013).
S. Jennings, K.H. Andersen and J. Blanchard. Marine Ecology and Fisheries. In: Metabolic ecology: a scaling approach. Editors: Richard M. Sibly, James H. Brown, Astrid Kodric-Brown. John Wiley and Sons (2012).
L. Zhang, U.H. Thygesen, K. Knudsen and K.H. Andersen. Trait diversity promotes stability of community dynamics. Theoretical Ecology doi: 10.1007/s12080-012-0160- 6 (2012).
G. Woodward, K.H. Andersen, A. Belgrano, J. Blanchard, and J. Reiss: Editorial comment: Body size and the (re)unification of ecology. Advances in Ecological Research45:xv-xxix (2011).
N. Calduch-Verdiell, K.H. Andersen, L. Ravn-Jonsen, B.R. MacKenzie, and J.W. Vaupel: Ecological and economic consequences of different recovery scenarios of depleted stocks. ICES CM 2011/N (2011)
M. Hartvig, K.H. Andersen and J.E. Beyer: Food web framework for size-structured populations. J. Theo. Biol. 272(1) 113-122 (2011).
K.H. Andersen: Calculation of expected rates of fisheries-induced evolution in data-poor situations. ICES CM M:10 (2010).
D. Righton, K.H. Andersen, F. Neat, et al.: Thermal ecology of north-east Atlantic cod stocks. Feature article in: Mar. Ecol. Prog. Series. 420: 1-13 (2010).
A. Christensen and K.H. Andersen: General classification of maturation reaction-norm shape from size-based processes. Bull. Math. Biol. 73: 1004–1027 (2011).
K.H. Andersen and J.C. Rice: Direct and indirect community effects of rebuilding plans. ICES J. Mar. Science. 67(9): 1980-1988 (2010)
K.H. Andersen and M. Pedersen: Damped trophic cascades driven by fishing in marine ecosystems. Proc. Roy. Soc. London B 277, 795–802 (2010). doi:10.1098/rspb.2009.1512.
K.H. Andersen: Hvorfor kører Michael Rasmussen så hurtigt op ad bakke? i: Matematiske Horisonter redigeret af C. B. Hansen et al, DTU (2009).
S. Pigolotti, C. Lopez, E. Hernandez-Garcia and K.H. Andersen: On the robustness of Gaussian competition in niche models. Theoretical Ecology 3(2) 89-96doi:10.1007/s12080-009-0056-2 (2010).
K.H. Andersen and K. Brander: Reply to Kinnison et. al.: Effects of fishing on phenotypes. PNAS 106(41) E116 (2009).
K.H. Andersen and K. Brander: Expected rate of fisheries-induced evolution is slow. PNAS 106(28) 11657-11660 (2009). See also the "evolutionary calculator".
K.H. Andersen, K. Farnsworth, M. Pedersen and H. Gislason: How community ecology links natural mortality, growth and production of fish populations. ICES J. mar. sci.66(9) 1978-1984 doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsp161 (2009).
S. Neuenfeld, K.H. Andersen and H.-H. Hinrichsen: Some Atlantic cod Gadus morhua in the Baltic Sea visit hypoxic water briefly but often. Fish Biology 75, 290-294 (2009).
E. Hernández-García, C. Lopez, S. Pigolotti, and K.H. Andersen: Species competition: coexistence, exclusion and clustering. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London A.doi:10.1098/rsta.2009.0086 (2009)
K.H. Andersen, J.E. Beyer and P. Lundberg: Trophic and individual efficiencies of size-structured communities. Proc. Roy. Soc. London B. 276, 109–114 doi:10.1098/rspb.2008.0951 (2008). Note: erratum is attached at the end of the article.
M.W. Pedersen, D. Righton, U.H. Thygesen, K.H. Andersen and H. Madsen: Geolocation of North Sea cod using Hidden Markov Models and behavioural switching.Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 65(11) 2367–2377 doi:10.1139/F08-144 (2008)
K.H. Andersen, J.E. Beyer, M. Pedersen, N.G. Andersen and H. Gislason: Life history constraints on the success of the many small eggs reproductive strategy. Theoretical Population Biology 73(4) 490-497 (2008)
K.H. Andersen, C. Möllmann and F.W. Köster: Process-based model for direct and indirect effects of climate on Central Baltic cod egg mortality. Fisheries Oceanography17(2) 84-88 (2008)
K.H. Andersen, K. Farnsworth, U.H. Thygesen and J.E. Beyer: The evolutionary pressure from fishing on size at maturation of Baltic cod. Ecological modelling 204: 246- 252. (2007).
H.-H. Hinrichsen, R. Voss, K. Wieland, F. Köster, K.H. Andersen and P. Margonski: Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity of the Cod Spawning Environment in the Bornholm Basin, Baltic Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 345: 245-254 (2007)
K.H. Andersen, A. Nielsen, U.H. Thygesen, H.-H. Hinrichsen and S. Neuenfeld: Determining uncertainty in geolocation using the particle filter. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science (64)4, 618-627 (2007)
S. Neuenfeldt, H.-H. Hinrichsen, A. Nielsen and K.H. Andersen: Reconstructing cod migrations in the eastern Baltic by using Data Storage Tags. Fisheries Oceanography(16)6, 526-535 (2007)
U.H. Thygesen, L.A.F. Nilsson and K.H. Andersen: Eulerian techniques for individual-based models with additive components. Journal of Marine Systems (67) 179-188 (2007)
K.H. Andersen and S. Neuenfeldt: Torskens Hemmelige Liv. Fisk og Hav (61) 2-9 (2007)
K.H. Andersen and J.E. Beyer: Asymptotic size determines species abundance in the marine size spectrum. American Naturalist (168) 54-61 (2006). Note: extensive addendum and erratum attached at the end of the article.
U.H. Thygesen, K.D. Farnsworth, K.H. Andersen and J.E. Beyer: How optimal life history changes with the community size-spectrum. Proc. Roy. Soc. London B 272(1570) 1323-1331 (2005)
K.H. Andersen: Modelling transport of buoyant particles around a tidal front. ICES CM P:40 (2004) (as pdf)
K.H. Andersen and C. Mollmann: Process oriented model of egg mortality for Central Baltic cod, Gadus morhua callarias L. ICES CM P:25 (2004) (as pdf)
P. Hersen, K.H. Andersen, H. Elbelrhiti, B. Andreotti, P. Claudin and S. Douady: Corridors of barchan dunes: stability and size selection, Phys. Rev. E 69 011304 (2004) (at
K.H. Andersen and C. Faraci: The Wave Plus Current Flow over Vortex Ripples at an Arbitrary Angle. Coastal Engineering (47) 431-441 (2003).
K.H. Andersen, M. Abel, J. Krug, C. Ellegaard, L.R. Søndergaard and J. Udesen: Pattern Dynamics of Vortex Ripples in Sand: Nonlinear Modeling and Experimental Validation. Phys. Rev. Letters (88) 234302 (at
M. Abel and K.H. Andersen: Hierarchical Markovian modeling: the meandering jet as an example of a system with many time scales. In: Proceeding of International School of Athmospheric and Oceanic Sciences "Chaos in Geophysical Flows" 169-180 (2003)
J. L. Hansen, M. van Hecke, C. Ellegaard, K. H. Andersen, T. Bohr, A. Haaning and T. Sams: The Stability Balloon for Two-dimensional Vortex Ripple Patterns. Phys. Rev. Lett. (87) 204301 (2002) (at
Jonas Lundbek Hansen, Martin van Hecke, Anders Haaning, Clive Ellegaard, Ken Haste Andersen, Tomas Bohr and Thomas Sams: Instabilities in sand ripples. Nature(410), 324 (2001).
K.H. Andersen, M.-L. Chabanol and M.v. Hecke: Dynamical models for sand ripples beneath surface waves. Phys. Rev. E (63), 066308 (2001) (8 pages) (at
K.H. Andersen: A Particle Model of Rolling Grain Ripples Under Waves. Physics of Fluids (13)1, 58-64, (2001) (at AIP) (at
K.H. Andersen and M. Lohmann: The dissipation of waves over a ripples bed. Proceedings of the 27th. conference of coastal engineering, Sydney, Australia 396-402 (2000) (in pdf).
K.H. Andersen, P. Castiglione, A. Mazzino and A. Vulpiani: Simple stochastic models showing strong anomalous diffusion. European Physical Journal B (18), 447-452, (2000) (at EPJ) (at
K.H. Andersen, T. Bohr, M.H. Jensen, J.L. Nielsen and P. Olesen: Pulses in the Zero-Spacing Limit of the GOY Model. Physica D (138), 44-62 (2000) (at
J. Fredsøe, K.H. Andersen and B.M. Sumer: Wave plus current over a ripple-covered bed. Coastal Engineering, (38) 4, pp. 177-221 (1999).
Monograph: K.H. Andersen: The Dynamics of Ripples Beneath Surface Waves and Topics in Shell Models of Turbulence. Ph.D. thesis Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen (1999) (see page on Thesis).
K.H. Andersen and P. Muratore-Ginanneschi: Shell model for time-correlated random advection of passive scalars. Phys. Rev. E. (60)6, pp. 6663-6681 (1999) (at PRE) (
K.H. Andersen and J. Fredsøe: How to Calculate the Geometry of Vortex Ripples Proceeding of the conference "Coastal Sediments", Long Island (1999) gzipped postscript).
K.H. Andersen, T. Bohr, M.H. Jensen and P. Olesen: Bursts and Shocks in a Continuum Shell Model. J. Phys IV 8, Pr6:121-130 (1998) (at
H. Nishimori, M. Yamasaki and K.H.Andersen: A simple model for the various pattern dynamics of dunes. Int. J. of Modern Physics B 12, 257--272 (1998) (gzipped postscript)
Andersen, K.H., Nielsen, J.E.Ø. and Mork, M.: Measurement of the velocity profile in and above a field of Laminaria hyperborea. Sarsia 81: 193-196 (1996). (pdf).
Monograph: Andersen, K.H.: "Dæmpning af overfladebølger over bladtang". M.Sc. thesis from IMFUFA, Roskilde University (1996) (in danish). A version with most of the figures is available in postscript.
Andersen, K.H., Christiansen, T.G., Hermann, N and J.: "Dimensionsanalyse" Tekster fra IMFUFA, 1995 (in danish).